(A series of personal observations recorded in the countryside in the province of Salerno as Italy takes action against the spread of Covid-19, first published April 25, 2020) Oggi è la Festa della Liberazione. Today is Liberation Day, a celebration of the end of Mussolini’s fascist regime and of the Nazi occupation of Italy. It is a celebration of the Resistance, of the partigiani— the bands of civilians who rose up against the military occupation. O partigiani, porta mia via O Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao. (O freedom fighters, take me away goodbye beautiful, goodbye) Ma della liberta, cosa abbiamo adesso? But of liberty, what do we have now? This are interesting times: restricted to our homes, unable to wander the streets; in many cases prevented from working, obliged to wear a mask should we have good reason to go out, some would argue that we have lost our liberty. Though perhaps it could be argued that if you choose to limit your personal actions to protect the greater good, your liberty is intact—you have given your power away to no one. You are doing as you please.
Perhaps liberty is a greater and more complex thing than a childish opposition to doing what other people tell you to. Maybe it’s a choice, a minute by-minute, day-by-day choice to keep your wings spread no matter the circumstances. In your heart are you afloat at sea? Something soaring above the clouds? It could be argued that liberty exists on the same end of the spectrum of human capacity where love does, in opposition to hatred, fear and tyranny. Si può dire che la libertà esiste nella vicinanza di amore, in opposizione all’odio, alla paura e alla tirannia. E se io muoio da partigiano O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao (and if I die as freedom fighter goodbye beautiful, goodbye) What do we have now? Who have we given our power and liberty to? A chi abbiamo dato il nostro potere e la nostra libertà? Siamo "liberi" di trarre profitto da una crescita economica senza ostacoli o siamo schiavi dell'idea che non abbiamo abbastanza, che non c'è abbastanza per tutti, che è meglio avere sempre di più? Are we “free” to profit from unfettered economic growth or are we slaves to the idea that we don’t have enough, that there isn’t enough that more is better? Are we “free” to make all the money we want or are we slaves to a social construct, a mere symbol devoid of actual value, designed to control our every move? Have we been exercising our personal liberty by treating the planet the way we want to (it’s all ours, free for the taking) or have we been building the walls of our cages? What crimes do we commit in the name of “protecting” our freedom? Whose freedom have we’ve robbed because it makes us feel uncomfortable about our own repression? These are some of the questions I have on this day of liberation. E se io muoio da partigiano Tu mi devi seppellir E seppellire lassù in montagna O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao (and if I die as freedom fighter you must bury me and bury me up in the mountains goodbye beautiful, goodbye)
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MBI added this blog as a way to share some thoughts and experiences around the impact of Covid-19 on my life here in Southern Italy. These posts have been a near-daily practice during this time and are largely unedited, most having been first posted on Facebook. They are of course in order with the most recent entry on the first page. I invite you to explore previous posts or even start from the beginning. Archives
June 2022